
Hi Ladies,
As 2018 draws to a close, now is a good time to review and assess what has been accomplished, and to look ahead to an even better New Season. Everything we hoped for and prayed about may not have happened this year, but our sovereign Lord is far from done yet! And that holds true for the dream of marriage as well.

If you’ve received that marriage vision from God, you may be growing impatient and ready to spring into action to get it moving. But your assistance is not required. It’s already done in Father’s timetable. At the appropriate moment your spouse will arrive, and you probably won’t even realize it.

However, there are things that you, as a godly woman, can do that will not only bring you joy, but may also be part of Christ’s plans for your life. These options are worth exploring because they’re positive, concrete activities that let you creatively expend energy that may impact the matrimonial arena, while He controls the outcome. They don’t involve trying to take the matter out of His hands, but they’ll keep your own hands busy in a worthwhile way. The key is to work at developing the fulfilled life that will prepare you to meet and receive His chosen spouse.

Father God is not opposed to your taking action if it is not destructive, or contrary to His Word. According to Proverbs 16:9, “A man’s heart plans his way, but The LORD directs his steps.” It is fine to take Spirit-ordained steps that involve changing, improving, or developing yourself, because you are all you actually have to work with.

Are you bored? Are you boring? If you were a guy, would you find yourself to be bland or uninteresting? Do you think that drabness is a Christian virtue? Do you desire to attract a dull, unexcited man? Even today, there are still ladies who feel that being a “good Christian” means subduing their personalities, their interests, and their abilities. Not true! God’s presence in our life is intended to enhance it, to stimulate and build our uniqueness, to bring out our talents, and to make our life matter in the Body of Christ.

Now is the ideal moment to begin identifying the potential that Father has placed within you. Do you have dreams aside from those that pertain to love? Consider the activities that you enjoy or think you could learn to enjoy. God has given you abilities…what are they? Can you sing, write poems, or draw? Do you love animals or babies?

What’s your dream career? Do you harbor a secret desire to be a lawyer, interior designer, or talk show host? Do you want to preach, prophesy or evangelize? Holy Spirit will guide you, and He ordains His people to be active influencers in the world, not just within the church walls. Believers are necessary as doctors, police officers, managers, counselors, soldiers, politicians and professors. The interests He has placed within you are seeds of possibility, dormant until you activate them.

Think about compiling a “Bent” list. Your “bent” is a God-given inclination to grow in a certain direction. Write down the desires, or hobbies and other endeavors that attract you. How about tennis, jogging or bicycling? Would you like to learn to bowl, play the guitar, ride horses, or study accounting? Gourmet cooking, painting, photography or web design? Put everything on your list and don’t worry whether others will understand or approve…this your personal inventory. Don’t edited it to fit anyone else’s standards.

“Will this help bring my husband?” Possibly, but its’ intent is provide keys for building a satisfying life, with accomplishments that please yourself and God. A happy, productive, active woman really is far more attractive to a potential mate than is an uninspired couch potato, afflicted with the mopes. Pursuing goals and interests will not only energize you and work wonders for your disposition, you’ll be amazed by the number of new people who will be drawn into your life. And God only knows what the end result of that could be!

Until next week – Joy and Shalom!

Jo Lynne Pool